There is more than sweat that sets us apart. We are committed to making sure that every teacher that steps into a room feels confident and supported to teach a group of all sizes, shapes + abilities. During training we’ll give you the tools necessary to give you a solid foundation in yoga history along with learning anatomy, physiology, how the body moves, ethics, and so much more.
Our teacher training program will enable you to teach a dynamic, unique, and challenging barre class, one appropriate for all levels. We’ll dive into incorporating themes, creating long, lean muscles + musicality. You’ll walk out with practical teaching experience, which we start during the very first week. Our mission to help you find your true barre teacher self and voice.
We’re ready to get sweaty with you, are you in?
100 hr barre teacher training, begins october 2025
Learn about the Lotte Berk method and where barre comes in. Learn how to tap into the history of barre and dance to create a class that is safe for your students.
anatomy + physiology
Learn anatomy and how the major systems of the body work, and how to incorporate anatomy into your class without deterring students. Also learn precautions, modifications and safety so you can bring your students from intense working sections of class to their cool down.
poses, alignment principles, hands on assists, and modifications will be studied and practiced. you will receive a lot of practical teaching experience and will have time to practice from hour one to one hundred whether it’s helping a student find their foundation or their strongest rep.
you will learn how to find the beat, cue on the beat (while talking to clients + providing 1:1 teaching) and create a powerful voice that will keep your clients coming back week after week.
learn how to safely use rebounders, incorporate them in your class and create a class that safely works the muscles + cardiovascular system while keeping joints safe.
business of teaching + ethics
How to become a successful barre teacher, and how to continue to be challenged + inspired. study the code of conduct of teachers, common ethical predicaments and how to be sensitive to cultural situations.
all the details
regular pricing, $1000
for those wishing to teach, fee is waived in exchange for minimum one year team commitment.
october 20th - december 3rd
mondays 5:45-9P
wednesdays 4:30-9P
2 additional classes per week
practice teaching + at-home work in addition to the scheduled hours.
graduation is the weekend of december 6 + 7

apply here.
a note from silvia
“After taking the 200 hour YTT at The Daily Sweat, I felt like I wanted to keep learning and to try something that would take me out of my comfort zone a bit. I decided to sign up for the barre teacher training and I loved the welcoming environment of the entire team. I appreciated all the opportunities to practice and observe and teach in real time with other team members that supported and encouraged me through my entire learning process. It was a great way to spend a few weeks of summer!”
“My training at The Daily Sweat was a great experience. I felt supported and prepared in a nonjudgemental, safe environment. It was also a ton of fun and our sweatTEAM is an amazing bunch of humans!” - Edie S.

When I made the decision to do teacher training, I had no idea just how incredible it was going to be. I stepped out of my comfort zone to try something completely new, and I came out of it with a new sense of confidence + knowledge of how to share it with others, as well as an incredible love for this studio, team, and classes. I am so thankful every day to be doing something that I love so much, and having the ability to share my passion with others. I truly believe teacher training has been one of my most valuable experiences, and I would absolutely recommend taking that leap to anyone thinking about it.
- Emily Rossics