banana pose with assist

There is more than sweat that sets us apart. We are committed to making sure that every teacher that steps into a room feels confident and supported to teach a group of all sizes, shapes + abilities. During training we’ll give you the tools necessary to give you a solid foundation in yoga history along with learning anatomy, physiology, how the body moves, ethics, and so much more.

Our teacher training program will enable you to teach a dynamic, unique, and calming restorative class, one appropriate for all levels. We’ll dive into incorporating themes, sequencing your poses + music. You’ll walk out with practical teaching experience, which we start during the very first week. Our mission to help you find your true yoga teacher self and voice.

We’re ready to get sweaty with you, are you in?

30 hr yoga teacher training, begins october 2025

  • philosophy

    Learn about the foundational texts, lineages and branches and where restorative + yin yoga comes in. Learn how to bring the history of yoga into your class through themes.

  • anatomy + physiology

    Learn anatomy and how the major systems of the body work, and how to incorporate anatomy into your class without deterring students. Also learn precautions, modifications and safety so you can bring your students from intense working sections of class to their cool down.

  • energetic body

    Learn the chakra system and the energetic body. Learn how to adapt these teachings into your classes, illuminate with pranayama and assist your students in having a well-rounded practice.

  • alignment

    poses, alignment principles, and modifications will be studied and practiced. you will receive a lot of practical teaching experience and will have time to practice from hour one to fifty whether it’s helping a student find their foundation or their strongest rep.

  • the art of support

    you will learn how to use props: chairs, sandbags, blocks, straps + blanket. what their role is, different ways to support the poses + your students + many options for each pose.

  • hands on

    How to become a successful yoga teacher and feel confident in offering an experience that your students can’t find on their own. we’ll dive into different assist types as well: alignment, support, grounding + growth.

all the details

  • deposit, $250 to secure your spot

    early bird pricing (paid in full by 10/1), $500

    regular pricing, $550

  • october 17 / friday 4-9P

    october 18 / saturday 8-6P

    october 19 / sunday 8-6P

    practice teaching + at-home work in addition to the scheduled hours.

apply here.

a note from kim

“I would like to express my appreciation to Tiffany and Silva for the wonderful restorative yoga certification they provided at The Daily Sweat. I am very happy to have chosen to do this training at this studio. I have been an instructor for many years and have attended many training programs and this is one of the best trainings I have attended. I loved it!

Thank you Tiffany and Silva for all your contribution, dedication and knowledge, which made this course very fun and professional.

Both Tiffany and Silva are very well educated, they gave us insight in yoga history, philosophy, anatomy, and the overall practice of yoga, their quality as teachers is very high. I also felt that they both genuinely cared for each student, and it was important to them that we felt comfortable throughout the learning process. I am very grateful to both of them, and I look forward to more training programs at The Daily Sweat.”

“Tiffany and Sylvia were very informative.  The training was structured but we were still able to kind of customize it to fit our needs and wants.  I was challenged both physically and mentally but felt so fulfilled from the experience.” - Lisa N.

katonah yoga on chairs

“The restorative teacher training immersion with the daily sweat was everything + more! I was fully supported by Tiffany + Silvia in learning all about restorative + yin yoga. My favorite part of training was when we began learning about props + hands on assists. I had a busy week prior to the training so being propped up with bolsters, blocks, blankets + sandbags felt so good for my body + nervous system! We even learned about using a chair as a prop - which I was nervous about but I grew to love the chair variations of some poses! I was surprised that the versatility of each prop can bring a different level of challenge and/or support for each pose! I had two classmates on this journey with me + it was great to see different perspectives on how to approach teaching. I now have a wealth of knowledge about restorative yoga + am so excited to dive into my own restorative practice! I definitely recommend doing a training with the daily sweat!”

- Sadie Hansbury