There is more than sweat that sets us apart. We are committed to making sure that every teacher that steps into a room feels confident and supported to teach a group of all sizes, shapes + abilities. During training we’ll give you the tools necessary to give you a solid foundation in yoga history along with learning anatomy, physiology, how the body moves, ethics, and so much more.
Our teacher training program will enable you to teach a dynamic, unique, and challenging yoga sculpt class, one appropriate for all levels. We’ll dive into incorporating themes, sequencing + musicality. You’ll walk out with practical teaching experience, which we start during the very first week. Our mission to help you find your true yoga teacher self and voice.
We’re ready to get sweaty with you, are you in?
30 hr yoga teacher training, begins may 2025.
Learn about the foundational texts, lineages and branches and where yoga sculpt comes in. Learn how to bring the history of yoga into your class through themes.
anatomy + physiology
Learn anatomy and how the major systems of the body work, and how to incorporate anatomy into your class without deterring students. Also learn precautions, modifications and safety so you can bring your students from intense working sections of class to their cool down.
energetic body
Learn the chakra system and the energetic body. Learn how to adapt these teachings into your classes, illuminate with pranayama and assist your students in having a well-rounded practice.
poses, alignment principles, hands on assists, and modifications will be studied and practiced. you will receive a lot of practical teaching experience and will have time to practice from hour one to fifty whether it’s helping a student find their foundation or their strongest rep.
the art of sequencing
you will learn how to create your own strong, creative, and powerful sequences that work the entire, add in cardio + will keep your clients coming back to class week after week.
business of yoga + ethics
How to become a successful yoga teacher, and how to continue to be challenged + inspired. Study the code of conduct of yoga teachers, common ethical predicaments and how to be sensitive to cultural situations.
all the details
deposit, $250 to secure your spot
early bird pricing (paid in full by 5/1), $500
regular pricing, $550
spring schedule: may 16 - may 18
friday 5-9P
saturday + sunday 8:30-6:30
practice teaching + at-home work in addition to the scheduled hours.

apply here.
a note from ali
“I have been a long-time lover of yoga and fitness, but The Daily Sweat's yoga sculpt training was my first fitness training. As a newbie who had never done something like this before, I wasn't sure what to expect. The warm and friendly made me immediately feel welcomed and supported. The trainers, Tiffany and Silvia, are both knowledgable, dynamic yoga teachers who offered so much valuable information and endless support throughout the whole process, and a lot of laughs, too. We covered so much in the six weeks of training, including teaching experience, and I left feeling so much more confident in both my practice and in teaching. The best part is that both instructors are so willing to support your journey and answer any questions even after training is wrapped up. I highly recommend yoga sculpt training if this is something that you're interested in trying out! ”
“The 200 YTT training was a life changing experience. Some of the highlights were: The friendships created, the confidence I gained, stepping out of my comfort zone in a BIG WAY!
Things I thought I knew but didn't really have a clue was the true time commitment----lots of time in class, on the mat and time needed to prepare and most importantly learn for the next class. The journey was 5 months of high highs, moments of doubt, laughter with friends, waiting for it to finish, and then not wanting the last class to arrive. I would recommend this program to anyone that can and does have the time to commit for the full 5 months. You can't be half in and half out.
For me it was a rewarding experience, a journey of self discovery whether you decide to teach or not.” - Sarah

“I found the program to be quite thorough and explore so many aspects of teaching and yoga, and even the body (I would have never anticipated a section on anatomy -- although it makes total sense to have one). I love that there was a section on the many types of yoga and the history of yoga. I love the chakra section too. Having these sections encouraged me to look into these areas more.”
- alana